Dogs of War Wikia

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"You've taken an interest in this problem we're facing...The Emperor is much too busy to be concerened with such a small matter but he cares for Earth. We are not too sure why but he has ordered us, his advisors to seek out someone fit for this job. Your familys name was mentioned and now here you stand before us, the court." An old dragoon man spoke down to a Xiaofang dragon, Shina Xiaofang specifically who was summoned to the court in Dragon Kang to be given a mission she is more than happy to accept. The old man with a long white beard whom strokes it with such curious strokes watches the red haired bomb shell of a warrior who had not spoken since arriving to the palace. "Very well if you do not have any opposition to the matter then go to the Earth realm...return the criminal Higme Otaru back to Quin Prison where he belongs before he causes a mass murdering rampage to the weak planet." Waving his frail boney hand, he dismisses Shina who simply turns her back on the court and leaves the room in silence.....

The criminal known as Higme Otaru somehow escaped Quin prison leaving many questions as to how he even managed to escape in the first place. The prison was located deep within the broken lands on The west the reinforced stone prison was on constant watch and chi draining tattoos to keep the dragoon physiology at bay for the criminals. did he get out? AND to make matters worse...Higme stole from the treasure trove of the Xiaofang palace and obtained the portal sphere Xamer originally used to travel to the earth realm and meet Yumis mother. The sphere is used on Xamers adventures of seeking treasure which is where some of their riches come from allowing him to travel from planets to different universes and now it was in the hands of a murderer.....

Thanks to the delicate condition the court of the palace in dragon kang granted her access to the portal only allowed for the emperor as travel out of dragon kang was still forbidden but try and stop the Xiaofang family from doing as they wished. The guards led the red haired warrior towards a secretive room...her mission was clear. But the dangers awaiting were not....

Middle of nowhere, Kansas approximately 2 in the afternoon and not a cloud in sight on this predictably humid day. The figure of a burly man beast could be out lined in his shadow of the empty plains of nowhere kansas...a long powerful tail curled around muscular and scaly legs attached to ferocious claws that left an unusual foot print...covered in tattered clothes not from this realm the draconic like man set piercing yellow hues to the small town in the distance....the small golden sphere held tightly in his massive claw as it turned off for the moment.....

After things with Katsumi dwindled as fast as it grew, Wade had no place else to go. Nathan went off into space on mission to save Sai’el from some impending doom and that left Wade stranded here on Planet Earth. Because of that, Wade decided that staying in Kasaihana City is just something that will always be a bothersome chore to him. There is always something to remind him of a time in his life that was much simpler than the life he lives now. His final decision had been to use this time to travel the world, starting out with driving all across North America.

This is what has led him to the humble towns inside of the domain that was Kansas. Since the Great War there had been small towns all over the country where people still considered “unsafe” to live. This town in particular is known as Nowhere, Kansas. It is a small town of only a few hundred people. Their technology is not very advanced at all, they don’t communicate with the outside world much at all. They live and prosper because they help take care of each other. Unlike the big cities where everyone is out for themselves.

Wade likes the simplicity of a town like this. They don’t have to worry about Gods and Deities or even Metahumans out here who seek nothing but constant control. They are just people trying to live a peaceful life in the home that they create. But the peace in this town is surely about to change.

Out in the forests just outside of the town is a large reptilian beast from a different realm that has found himself lost in a world unknown to him. With his large body and massive strength his foot steps towards Nowhere, Kansas begin to make the ground tremble. Wade is sitting inside of a diner at the bar drinking some orange juice while eating his breakfast. This had been Wade’s seventh day in this town, making friends with some of the local people as he passes through.

The monster gets to the outskirts of the town, using the cover of the small buildings to keep himself hidden. He looks down at his left hand and sees that his relic is off. Because of him not needing it, he places it in the left pocket of his old prison garbs. His eyes begin to peak through the side of a building to see the streets active with pedestrians as they carry out their daily tasks.

It’s at that moment that the blacksmith of the town comes walking out of the building that Higme is standing behind.

“OH MY LORD! WHAT IN TARNATION IS THAT!?” He yells out as the sight of Higme strikes enough fear into him to make him fall over.

Feeling disrespected Higme rips the roof off of the building with his claws while yelling out, “FOOLISH INSECT! HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO A DRAGOON WITH SUCH A TONGUE!” His voice deep yet scaley like a true monster.

The sound of the building being ripped open alerts all of the town and screams quickly follow. His large eight foot body begins to terrorize the town and the people in the diner are quick to be alerted of the situation. One of the townsmen swing open the door of the diner and begins to scream at the people inside.

“Everyone get out of here! There is a monster attacking the town! He…HE MUST BE SOME KIND OF RADIATION THING!” He runs out of the diner along with the rest of the others while Wade remains in his seat.

( )

Wade slowly reaches for his napkin with his left hand and presses it against his lips to wipe away the food that had been there. He then stands up with his robe draped around his back. Traveling by foot, Wade is wearing clothes that are suitable for travel. He also has his earphone’s placed over his ears for some musical enjoyment while making his trip.

Walking out of the diner he makes his way towards the center of the street. Seeing everyone run in away from him, Higme quickly sees the large blonde standing firmly in the street. Wade’s robes move with the wind as he stands there with his arms down to his side showing no sign of fear anywhere in or out of his body.

Higme begins to slowly make his way to Wade, stopping when he is about twenty feet away. Wade stares this beast up and down with such a smug expression that it angers Higme just staring at Wade.

Wade begins to speak with a tone of such blatant disrespect and Godlike sound. “You should leave this place…I liked the town the way it was. It had peace. It had serenity. Solitude…Now you have ruined it for no good reason…”

Higme begins to roar with an anger that would normally scare anyone, “HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM!? AND WHAT I CAN DO TO YOU!?”

Wade simply smirks before slowly falling his hands into fists and speaks with a voice so confident that it could shatter spirits. “You can die…”

Just the sound of Wade’s tone finally makes Higme lose his shit and charge straight towards Wade like a wild animal. In his mind his Dragoon Physiology is much stronger than anything on Earth, which might have been true on any other day. But he didn’t choose to attack a human on this day. He is attacking an Eterian.

Wade remains perfectly still and just as the monster looks like he is to tackle Wade, the Eterian prince simply slams his right arm across the center of Higme’s head! The impact of the punch causes Higme to plow straight into the ground below him and create a rather large crater from Wade’s strength alone!

The punch cracks against his skull, showing the durability of his dragon scales to still even be intact after such a punch! Smoke and rubble surround the two of them as Higme tries to get himself back up to his feet. Before he can, Wade thrusts his right leg forward and kicks into Higme’s ribs and sends the large beast flying back into another small building that completely shatters on top of him.

By the time the smoke clears from the area, Wade slowly begins to walk towards the building that is almost fifty meters away where Higme is under. The large Eterian takes his time as he walks over knowing that with full confidence there is no way in hell that Higme walks away from this fight now.

“You should have walked away when you had the chance, monster…Now I will use your skin to produce a belt to hold my belongings…” But what Wade does not know is that he is about to come into a red hot situation.

Pushing through the private portal to the Earth realm and pinpointing the location of the criminal thanks to the residue of his portal jump from the sphere, teleporting her to....what seemed to be a barren wasteland of....a joke. This place was a joke, only way to put it. The dragoon warrior known as Shina, wore a gladiators armor plate while white robes dressed her from underneath the protective gear though in all honesty it was more for show, a trade mark look the Xiaofang possessed along with their red hair which she kept in a half updo, only the top kept in a pony tail while the rest rested along strong shoulders.

The earths atmosphere tried to dwindle Shinas dragoon physiology as this was her first time ever stepping on to Earth, her power would begin to weaken but with a dangerous frown, she closes golden hues and focuses. A pulse radiates within her and her chi channels open back up completely, adjusting her body to the new air which came to be inhaled slowly through full lips only to be exhaled in smoke through lightly flared nostrils. "Ipuul..." (Foul) She spoke in her draconic tongue, not knowing the language of the Earth realm just yet. The environment wasn't much to her liking but she wasn't going to start complaining as bare feet made a slight crunch noise under the dirt ground she trudged on.

Following scent alone, the stench of the criminal was close...but the obvious destruction of something way far off in the distance gave up the location. Out in this wasteland was a small village it appeared and the scum was already causing trouble? What an annoyance...Getting in to a realxed stance, muscles tense only slightly as knees bend and with one swift kick off she throws herself forward with an enhanced jump!! Using her destruction chi to break the air resistence that interfered with her own speed, slicing through the friction so it felt like flying through absolutely nothing, not even the wind could be felt on her face as if destroying an invisible force one could not see or the G-force more like. If not careful, the dragoon could jump too high up, about 10,000 feet but her trajectory was to move forward as she begins to fall back down, gravity doing its job she comes to notice her weight was heavier here but it was nothing the warrior could not adjust to.

Down below still about hundreds of feet in to the air she could see Higme being thrown in to a building with such violence the entire thing collapses on top of the criminal! To this, Shinas eyes widen in slight surprise to this but a frown soon follows and she plans on interrupting this and taking matters in to her own hand. With a sharp pull forward she is now aimed head first right for the town! The sound of a piercing rocket sounded off with just how fast she was descending! In a milisecond, the woman twirls in to a flip and the soles of her feet crash in to the ground, causing seismic wave that could send anyone within a 10 mile radius flying every which way, the ground before her sucumbing to the dragoon and creating a crater that seperated Wade and Higme. The smoke clears and Shina looks towards Wade with a feroucious and deadly expression, her nose slightly curled to give her dragon like features. "munthrek nomeno tepohaic ehis ekess tir mrith wux, qe gethrisja!" (Meddling human this has nothing to do with you, be gone!" Though a person who didnt understand Draconic couldn't understand a lick of what she was saying, the tone taken was venomous as she walks out of the dragoon made crater to head for the broken building that Higme now rose from with an angry roar of flames. "dout humnid adon tepohaic ti taken algbo ekess nomeno..." (Disgusting...your humanoid form hasn't taken well to the Earths atmosphere...) Higme snarls and crawls out of the destroyed building and charges forward intent on attacking the blonde! He could have cared less about the red haired woman but oh he'd come to soon find out she was no one to take their eyes off as she allows the beastly man to attempt at charging right past her! With such an alarming speed, Higme would soon be appearing right before Wade with claws extended and full intention of ripping him to shreds!!! But...he never got that far. At the last mili second, Shina had caught the beasts ankle the moment he tried flying past her side! The obvious sound of her grip only grew louder the more she tightened the hold, seemingly dainty fingers wrapping around the strong bones and stopping him mid flight! With a snarl, the red head turns and does a 180, yanking the beast backwards to her before chucking him like a baseball BACK through the debris of the building from before with such force his momentum isnt even interrupted by the rubble as he goes through it and in to the building over with a loud explosion of noise! All of this happening within the blink of an eye as Shina moves some dirt from her golden shoulder plate and making her way toward the beast as if Wade was nothing more than a distraction.


( While making his way to Himge his ears perk up to the sound of something descending down to the ground like a missile about to hit the Earth. Looking up with unamused eyes he tracks a small red headed female falling down onto the town below. Once she crashes onto the ground, Wade doesn’t even budge a muscle from the impact. The wind pushes back at his body but it does not move him in the slightest. His spikey blonde hair is pushed back from the wind, exposing the long scar that crosses over his eye. The power from this females crash comes to create a large crater, practically wiping the entire town off the face of the Earth. Then it hits him.

Wade quickly turns around to see how far the shockwave would have extended too and he sees that it goes on for miles. His eyes widen at the fact that he knows there is no way that the people of this town could have gotten far enough to avoid that blast. With that kind of impact, no human body could have hoped to survive that. His pupils begin to tighten and a small orange hue begins to fill the white area of his eye. This is a sign of Wade’s anger rising. A physical trait he gained after training for years with his father through Space. With the thought of how many people died because of this red head, Wade begins to grit his teeth and ball his hands back into fists.

When he comes to turn around he hears the sound of Higme being caught by this Red Head. She clearly shows high levels of strength to be able to pull this feat off. Higme is practically wincing in pain at the clutch of her small dainty hand. Before they know it, she flings Higme around like a ragdoll and he flies through the buildings that are left standing. With all the destruction of the town practically taking away all chance of ever living here again, Wade finally is set off. The woman begins to walk away from Wade as if he were nothing, which adds to Wade’s already building anger. No one walks away from him. NO ONE. Wade’s eyes practically snap into a state of rage at this woman’s interference on his fight with Higme. As she walks away, Wade would follow her and once he is close enough to her he raises up his right arm. With his right arm he taps his right handed index finger on the top of her right shoulder armor piece. This would probably piss the red head off but Wade did not care. If the red head turned around, before she could even speak, Wade attempts to deliver a special gift to her.

Without saying a word as well, Wade simply thrusts his left arm forward to smash his entire meaty fist into the right side of her face. Wade’s speed in his normal form is far beyond inhuman which would make his arm look like nothing more than an instant blew before making contact with her face. If the punch hits, Shina would feel like she had been hit by an entirely different kind of attack. As an Eterian, Wade’s strength is damn near the strongest thing in the universe on a physical level.

The striking strength that Wade has is more than enough to break through Adamantium, which is the hardest and most durable substance known to man. And being hit by a full powered punch from Wade at his normal form would cause her entire skull to shatter on impact. His immeasurable strength could literally “knock the soul out of her body” as Connor Ryoji put it when being kicked by Wade in their first encounter together.

The impact of the punch would also send Shina flying back about two miles! Her body would bounce and tear on the hard crust of the Earth like a bouncing ball of red hair. If someone where looking from above it would look like something is just tearing straight through into the forests of the area behind the now destroyed town. Wade would hold his fist out for a few moments before slowly coming back to stand back up at his normal posture. His face continues to show a rage as the thought of the children who she killed pass through his mind.

“I’m tired of this damn planet thinking it can do whatever it wants to innocent people and get away with it…You all take your power for granted…” While speaking these words his anger continues to rise to the point that the ground begins to shake underneath him in the form of an earthquake. “YOUR POWER IS NOTHING!...” The ground around him shatters like glass as he thrusts his arms back and releases a powerful Eterian roar. “YOU DON’t KNOW THE MEANING OF TRUE POWER!” A shroud of energy appears around him with a bright golden glow, another trait he gained from training with his father.

As he released his roar, his shirt would rip into shreds from the sheer power that his body emits. The fabric tears into micro-fabric before being fried out of existence. His large chest begins to move up and down from breathing a little heavier now from his anger. When he re-focuses himself, anyone still around would see that his body emits a bright golden aura with his eyes burning with the same color. His shirtless body would also reveal the Eterian tattoo that might be something Shina has seen before in her 200 years of living. (Hint Hint) Now things are really starting to get intense with Higme and Shina now having to be in the vicinity of Wade’s anger.

Shina continued walking towards Higme but a tap on her shoulder stops her. Brows furrow slightly in confusion as she looks over her shoulder before fully turning around to see why this primate was even---BAM!! The connection of his fist to her face sent the red head SOARING out 2 whole miles!! Taking some of the earth with her, she doesnt resist the momentum and allows it to come to an end as she slides to a stop. The smoke slowly disperses and Shina slowly sits up on her knees, placing a hand on the assaulted side of her face. One could hear the shattered temporal bone shifting in loose skin and her pain receptors still hadnt even caught up with her brain to process she was even injured! It didn't matter though as the dragoons regenerative healing factor comes in to play moments later to reassmble the pieces of her cheek bone and such.

Coming to a full stand now, she stares at the ground as if still trying to make sense of who...of WHAT just hit her. That blonde....turning her head to the disturbed earth around her she comes to accept that someone of this realm just...did damage. In that split moment her golden hues had caught sight of a familiar she'd seen long before many years ago...could it be though? Turning to face her assaulter, enhanced eyesight can see him just fine from such a distance as she spits out. "i tepoha thric prortm mrith wux. vur origato ve tir sia kobtish!! nomeno tepohaic ehis ekess tir mrith wux!!" (I have no problem with you, pesk! let me do my job! This has nothing to do with you!) As angry as she sounded, her words would not be understood by the likes of him and after being hit...well her dragon pride wouldn't allow such things to be let go of.

Meanwhile in the middle of the commotion, Higme rose out from the rubble and groaned in pain, trying to shake it off before watching the two in the distance facing off against the other! This was exactly the turn of events he needed to get out of here! In the meantime though he wanted to wait and see just how all this would turn out...though not too long as one wanted to kill him and the other wished to bring him back to Quin all honesty he'd prefer death over that place ever again.

Shina shoots off her feet to close the distance between she and the blonde, sliding to a stop just a couple 13 feet away from him to get a better look at his features. Yes...that tattoo...the yellow energy the man was currently ingulfed in. There was no mistaking it...this man was an Eterian. Why on Earth was he even here? (Hah get it, why was he on earth? get it? one time that line actually makes sense? did you....get it? Ok im done XD) This was going to be troublesome with a dragoon criminal and an Eterian to deal with but Shina wasn't one to shy away from challenges as her knuckles crack and red scales begin to grow all along her body, face included as pupils narrow into slits while golden hues brighten to the point of almost glowing.

With her dragoon physiology, the woman had enhanced durability, endurance and nearly unbreakable skin ontop of draconic scales protecting her from harm though now with knowing just what she was up against this small town wasn't going to be up for much longer. Not that she much cared...both the fighters stand their ground, that scowl locked on Wade with a heated distate before finally shooting off exposed feet for a frontal assault! No need for fancy foot work or feints, this other worldly man was on a whole other level and she didn't have time to waste! "HYAA!" With a draconic battle cry she utilizes what the humans know as Muay Thai, sending a left cross straight for his face, the powerful punch covered in dragon scales to heighten the strength factor behind the blow in an attempt of course to the blonde before trying to continue with a second assault, a right hook following to the left side of his face!! The two combination wasn't delivered by some damsal but a dragoon warrior over over 200 years old, the destruction chi backing up behind her fists could force someones face to cave in on itself and send them just as far out as she'd been sent but the reaction time of her second assault intterupts what could have sent the blonde flying with the right hook to change his trajectory (if he was even budging at this point) with such a fierce blow to the jaw it'd be able to shatter the bone and teeth and if this were a regular person, their skin would even be warping around the very fist with how deeply imbeded it'd be!! The force behind these strikes were so packed with energy if any of this had even landed the impact of his face and her fist would have created a pulse effect of seismic porportion that send another gust out through the demolishing town and even sending Higme on his back!! The criminal watches in disbelief and decides perhaps watching was not in his best interest, turning on his knees and crawling out from the rubble to try and sneak away while the two were busy fighting each other!

( )

Wade’s right eyebrow is slightly raised as he watches the female seemingly come back to attack him with a body that is seemingly unscathed by the punch he just hit her with. His training is to extensive to be wrong about the power output he put into his first punch. He felt her bones break and her body practically shatter under the power of his face. Piecing the factors together Wade comes to remember his fight with Kin and Connor. In that fight their healing factors came into a huge play at why they could even survive the encounter with the large blonde Eterian.

While the woman comes towards him, he stands there with his arms at his side as he allows her to test her might against his body. She is clearly strong, stronger than any female he had ever seen on Earth. Compared to Kat, this red head could probably rip the Kitsune tails from her body. The fact that she is this strong comes to intrigue his curiosity. His eyes filled with anger watch ever little movement she makes while she charges at him.

The first punch makes contact with the right side of his face and Wade completely tanks it! The impact echoes with a loud crashing sound like two metal pieces slamming together at high velocity. The gusting of wind also surrounds them because of the sudden shockwave that the punch releases. The crater that they are already standing in cracks even further under Wade’s feet as he holds his ground firmly in position without a single budge. His cheek skin moves in to make his face look scrunched up with her fist dug into his face. His eyes stare down at the red head with an expression of being unamused by the attack. The fact that Wade barely feels anything always tends to get into his opponents heads, making them fear him even more.

On the second punch, Wade looks to his left just a bit before being whacked with her right hand. This time with the added strength that she puts into this punch actually makes his head turn to the right. His blonde hair sways with the impact of the punch as the buildings all shatter from the power that this female releases. Wade’s eyes widen a bit as even he did not think she would be able to move him at all, let alone make his head turn. Higme smartly makes his way far from this area, using the distraction between Shina and Wade to escape. With the anger filling up his veins, Wade begins to push his face back to its normal position. With a scowl she would be able to see her fist being pushed back to where he looks directly in front of her.

With a swift flick of his left arm he would attempt to grab hold of Shina’s arm that is extended out on his face. Because she expected Wade to go flying this would most likely come as a shock and be completely caught off-guard by his movements. With a massive force of strength she would feel the immense pressure that is on her arm just by him taking a firm grasp of her forearm. The bones underneath her dragon scaled skin might shatter even through the scales. Because of his ability to break the “unbreakable” metals of the universe, how long would her dragon scales come to hold up against him?

With the grip on her forearm he would begin to force her arm away from his face and back towards her. His strength would push her arm up slightly too even come to lift her off of the ground.

With another quick thrust of his arm inward he would pull Shina towards him with her back facing him. Spinning her body so that his arm would slide in between him and her back to place her in a tight arm lock. Placing his free arm on her open shoulder, he’d then squeeze his muscles tightly and it would force Shina’s back to extend forward and feel like her arms are being pulled out of their sockets.

While he holds her up in front of his chest as he does he begins to speak to her by saying, “I’ve never met a female with your kind of strength…Let’s see if your body is as strong as your punches!”

After speaking, he’d come to lift her body high above his head. Gathering some energy into her body, Wade wastes no time and attempts to slam Shina down towards the ground. But while doing this motion he extends his right knee up towards his stomach to meet the center of her back. If this happened, she would feel the sharp cracking pain of her spine meeting the sharp kneecap of Wade’s right knee. He’d aim to shatter her spine on her L3 Lumbar Spinal column, shattering her body in two from the inside!

If the backbreaker worked, her body would be bent across his knee and her head practically touching the ground from being bent backwards like she is. (Like the GIF) After the attack, Wade would use his hold that he has on her lower body and simply toss her to the side like a dead animal. Swinging her body around like a ragdoll she would be tossed almost twenty feet into the dirt. With a simple shake of his head while he looks at her, he feels that the fight would be very much over after this.

“Such a waste…” He says in his angry tone before turning away and walking towards the last place he saw Higme.


The first strike doesn't even make the man budge! Cursing inwardly, she figured it'd be a wasted attempt on the first go but that hadn't stopped her second assault which forced his head to turn! This man...All doubts vanished from her mind as it was settled, he was indeed a different race and one she had known well from a long time ago. Her knuckles were on fire! Not literarly but the impact from his face alone sent an agonizing numbess to the reinforced knuckles that made the red head angrier! Suddenly his face began to move back to face her and golden hues widen before narrowing to show her fierceness, throwing any type of fear out the window as she was a dragon and they were prideful creatures even in the face of danger and death she would not bow down to the likes of this man!

With both eyes locked on one another, Wade takes quick hold of her arm with a surprisingly fast reflex as Shina watches in shock as the pressure of his fingers around the limb would tighten actually making the dragoon wince and the scales lightly start to give though not without some form of resistance! It wouldn't matter though as he continued his assault by twisting her arm towards him, earning a cry from the Red head as shes yanked back in to him.

With her other arm still free she'd attempt an elbow strike but Wade was already thinking ahead as his other hand takes hold of her shoulder only to do more damage as he practically pulled at her sockets, forcing a dip in her back as she gritted down on her teeth with a clenched jaw so harsh it could break any moment! "GYAAK!!"

“I’ve never met a female with your kind of strength…Let’s see if your body is as strong as your punches!” She couldn't understand his gibberish or at least to her that is what it was as he spoke though one thing was for sure it wasn't words of mercy but even then the female only grew angrier as he didnt falter in trying to break her! Powerful muscles bunched up to resist his pull, tensing themselves to keep her bones from breaking as the ground beneath them continued to be destroyed from both his force and her resistance to the point they would be vanishing from sight with how deep the crater was going!

No need to worry if the crater would continue though as Shina is LIFTED right off the ground and golden eyes widen in pained shock as he manuevers the strong body of the warrior up high---only to bring it down on his knee!! The instant his knee met with her spine the loud cracking sound echoed through the emptied town before her scream followed suit! There were whites in her eyes at this point as Wade throws her out like trash, crashing into the dirt many feet away....and so the fight would be over. Or so he assumed....and it was not very nice to assume.

The 'lifeless' body of the Xiaofang warrior laid there for what seemed like a full minute...soon enough the very sounds of bones re alligning and snapping back in to place would echo through the broken town as the body would glow warm and blue from the healing properties. Once dead hues would return to normal as the first movement is her arms, hands digging into the very dirt she was tossed on as fingers sank into it. Next were her legs as she slid up on the knees to lift herself up in to a sitting position as her neck pops and once destroyed muscles heal like nothing happened...thanks to her enhanced durability, she was difficult to defeat and even harder to kill especially with something as simple as a breaker.

"Jaka...i mi harkajup." (Now...I'm angry." Her tone was hoarse and full of malicious intent as she forces herself to stand up on a still healing spine as her body tilts to and fro from not being all healed up just yet and the display even looked painful! Adjusting a broken spine was not something one should do often nor was it a pleasant procedure but Shina took it like a champ without so much as a complaint before finally turning to face where Wade had gone off to.

"tir ti shula dout spical shafaer ve!" (Do not turn your back on me!!) Trying to gain his attention the fire in her spirit only grows as the ground beneath exposed feet break apart from the destruction chi pouring out of the woman! Without another moment to waste the moment the last bone is healed she shoots off like a rocket right for Wade! Ready or not here she comes with an elbow cocked back and all of her anger behind closed fists aimed for the blonde with murderous intent to send him flying! Extreme focus could not be broken as all she saw was---wait. No! Out of the corner of Wades image was where Higme was SUPPOSED to be! Shit this entire time she'd been wasting it with this damn blonde!

Higme possessed the portal sphere, other worlds would be in danger not to mention if he returned to Dragon Kang with kami knows what! She was on a mission and as a warrior she took the obejective seriously! Wade, if he'd turned to face her by some point comes back to her sights and with that same ferouciousness Shina looked to still be intent on striking him with a ground shaking blow! Or so it was supposed to be but at the very last moment Shina finally put away stubborn spite with her fist opening and just as quickly as she came, her body stops into a slide, soles of her feet digging into the ground to slow her down.

Just as it looked like she'd crash right into the man the dragoon stops on a dime! With arms sliding non threateningly up his chest to rest around his shoulders to aid in pulling herself up to his height. Just barely off her toes, with a smooth finish she stops against Wade to slam her lips against his in a passionate and forceful surprise kiss!! Her right hand sliding to hold his jaw and keep him still while their lips locked, her left hand slipping into messy locks of blonde. She'd continue to kiss him even if he tried to fight her off, needing to stay like this just a moment longer....

Satisfied with the kiss she slowly pulls back...after pulling on his bottom lip a little too sensually and then releasing it. She drops back down to her feet and watches him, piercing hues seemingly to look right in to his soul, as if he had all the answers...After a couple of seconds plump lips part and she speaks. "You kiss...better than you hit." She mocked playfully, an obvious accent to her words but she was speaking english now! Dragons could learn any language simply by sharing saliva with the person who knew said language. She did just that with Wade as once violent hands slid gently down the mans chest, examining him curiously. "You are...Eterian? Is last of kind?" She'd ask before remembering why she kissed him in the first place. "Ah! Bad man! Are behind you?" She pointed over Wades shoulder where Higme once was but now was nowhere to be seen.

The once terrifying and cold woman now spoke with a light and heavily accent tone full of curiousity as she pointed repeatedly a lil comical even. "Bad man is not in same place. I must to be finding him." She'd move away from him and attempt to walk away. "Nice to be fighting with you but must do job. Bye bye."

Wade had heard the sound of the female getting back up to her feet behind him. If this had been a few years ago he would have been very livid that he wasn’t about to just simply kill this female; but through his years of traveling across space he had come across may different lifeforms that area simply just able to survive anything that doesn’t actually destroy their entire existence. He even met a lifeform that could only be killed if every drop of their blood had been burnt away because they could heal from one simple drop of blood and become whole again.

He hears the anger in her voice and it actually brings Wade to smile just a little bit. Whether he had been willing to admit it or not, he is having a small sliver of fun from this. He had already established his strength over this woman in his normal form. He could easily expand his strength and wipe her away from existence as he has done to many strong lifeforms in space before but he actually came to enjoy the fiery attitude that this female is giving off. She may be strong here on Earth but to him he just found her attitude rather funny. Which in its own way only exposes his true God Complex in that he finds enjoyment when people don’t know when to give up and accept their own weakness.

Once she yells for a second time, Wade slowly begins to turn around to see what this female wants to do now. His eyes examine her movements and sees her coming back straight towards him to attack. Wade sees her as an insect that just will not stop pestering him. When she slides her feet against the ground to slow her speed down. This brings Wade to raise a brow in curiosity now and simply stands there with his arms down as he has done the whole fight when he was on defense. What comes next is probably more impacting than any of her punches so far in the fight.

Her hands rub up his hardened chest before she forces her lips upon his own. His eyes widen sharply and his arms quickly lift up from the side as he is completely caught off guard by the kissing. His reaction would show that he isn’t enjoying her kiss but deep down…Deep down he is actually loving the hell out of it. His love life had really sucked. From a teenager he fell in love with his first real girlfriend, Katsumi. Then he left Earth to go into space to train with his father where he saved himself to maybe one day have another chance with her. Once he finally did come back down to Earth there had just been so much time between them that they weren’t able to make it work.

Having gone so many years without really ANY action with the opposite sex, this had probably been the most passionate kiss he had received since he left Earth. So by the time the kiss had come to end, his eyes slowly came to shut and his right arm firmly placed against the curve of her back just above her ass. These movements had really just been a natural reaction to being kissed and not much thought went into it from Wade. When she pulls herself away from him, his eyes would open once again to see the sensual tug of his lip by this hot red head. Realizing that he didn’t even show any sign of fighting against the kiss he grows a little embarrassed and his face begins to turn a light red color around his cheeks.

Once she begins to speak English now, Wade’s eyes blink with confusion. But then he looked even more puzzled at the fact that she gave him such a back handed compliment by saying his kissing was better than his hitting. Usually Wade is always ready with a sarcastic remark right off the hip but he had been so confused at the entire situation that all he can say is some fumbled words of nothing.

“Well…yeah?...Well you…are a good kisser…” Wade shakes his head a bit at saying that. “I mean…You hit pretty good too…but not as good as your kissing..” Wade’s face turns blank like an anime character after delivering this epic fail of a comeback.

She doesn’t help make it easier for Wade to talk when she uses her soft hands to paint his chest with her fingers. Because he is a twenty-five year old virgin, even the smallest touches like the way Shina touches him now is completely new to him. When you live a life of nothing but constant fighting and finding out whom the strongest being in the universe is, you tend to never have a girlfriend.

Thankfully, his mind snaps back into its normal rhythm when she mentions his race by name specifically. No one on Earth is even supposed to know what an Eterian is let alone know when they actually see and meet one. In all his time on Earth he never came to meet anyone who even remotely pieced together that he is indeed out of this world. She asks if he is the last of his kind which further makes him understand that she knows more than what an Eterian is but knows that they are a dead race now as well.

Before he can even answer her, she points behind him to where Higme is supposed to be. But by this time he had been long gone somewhere else.

"Bad man is not in same place. I must to be finding him." She'd move away from him and attempt to walk away. "Nice to be fighting with you but must do job. Bye bye."

When she tries to walk away, Wade would reach his right hand out and take a quick grip of her right hand to stop her. He wouldn’t have violent intentions behind it but she would hope that it gets her to stop moving.

His voice is somewhat sarcastic because he tries to copy her accent in a joking way while saying, “Bad man escape. He go Bye-Bye.” He then points at himself with his left hand. “He fought Strong Man. And Still alive.” His eyes then spark with a sense of seriousness along with the tone of his voice. “No one live after fighting Strong Man…” If she caught his drift he would be basically saying that people who fight him don’t get to walk away from the fight. “Strong Man go find Bad Man.” He then points to her. “So Big Red get used to Strong Man on scavenger hunt.”

If she understood what he was saying he’d slowly release his hold on her hand to hear her response to him saying that he is going to help find Higme whether she wanted his help or not. This is now a Wade Matter and Wade always completes his missions. If she complied with his statement, command really, he would give her a polite nod before speaking to her once more.

“Good…” He then begins to walk down the now destroyed street of the town while using his senses to track Higme. “You can start by telling me your name so I don’t have to keep calling you, Big Red.”

Her hand is grabbed on to and Shina pauses in walking, looking back at him calmly as he points to himself and speaks. She could understand him now thanks to kissing him and with a tilt of her head she listens to every word s it processes correctly. "No one live after fighting strong man..." So what was he getting at? Raising a brow she didn't interrupt him and allowed him to continue talking.

But when he tells her he'll be joining her on the hunt for the prisoner her eyes widen slightly before narrowing and voicing her displeasure to this notion. "This nothing to be doing with Strong man! None of business! Go and find other female to bother." "Good." He interrupts and she blinks as he walks in the direction of where Higme was last seen. "Oi! Strong man!" She follows him but he ignored her and asked for her name instead of calling her big red.

With a sigh she watches him intensly with a bit of curiousity as to why it meant that much he find the dragoon and stop him. "Do not know...has nice ring to it, yes? Big red...but name is Shina Xiaofang." She knew of his race and if there were anyone more stubborn than was Eterians. There was no point in arguing with him as she walks by his side. The demonic woman now didn't look like she could take out an entire town and still with her gladiator armor wrapped still on her form she adjusts the plates slightly before turning her head to watch him again. "What is name?" She would ask and if he'd tell her she'd nod and remember it from now on.

Why was he on Earth for? She thought the entire race had died out from long ago he was. And one would think she wouldn't be so eager to travel next to a man who basically just 'killed' her but he hadn't and she healed just fine...they'd have a rematch at some other point in time though fighting him was a tad tiny Not that she'd admit it but fighting a man who couldn't bow down to the royal Xiaofang Call it a twisted and morbid way of thinking but Dragons didn't worry themselves with such petty things when there were bigger matters at hand.

"You kill bad man? Do not much care for what happen to him. Simply need shiny thing. You kill bad man I take round ball and we say bye bye and go sperated way." It seemed like a good enough plan anyway and in honesty she wanted to travel with the Eterian for now simply for the fact she hadn't seen his kind in so long. They were a fascinating race, one she'd fought along side in many wars and just like many before him, Wade was no different in strength and viciousness.
